Tag Archives: Management

All Ears…But Not Hearing a Thing

Screaming toddlers are banging on pots, demanding attention while their harried mothers and frazzled fathers yell in their phones and hunch over their desks, desperate to complete what looks like their job. Distraction controls. Chaos reigns. Nothing of value gets done. The banging gets louder and no one can listen because no one can hear. This manager is done. “I am so over it, I just don’t care.” She’s so tired of the back biting, Continue reading →

Asking for the best

This is it, plain and simple: As a supervisor, manager, or business owner, your job is to direct the work of others, not to do their work for them. In order to achieve that in a timely and efficient manner, it’s your job to communicate your expectations in ways they understand. If your employees are unclear about the assignment or the manner in which you want it done, they’ll do one of three things: figure Continue reading →